Quantitative und qualitative Ansätze zu Stichwortkandidaten für die lexikografische Ressource zum gesprochenen Deutsch: LeGeDe
- In this paper, the basic assumptions are presented against the background of the development of a corpus-based method to determine suitable headword candidates for the LeGeDe-prototype (LeGeDe= Lexik des gesprochenen Deutsch), a lexicographical resource on spoken German. In a first quantitatively oriented step, potential one-word headword candidates are identified with the help of frequency class comparisons from a corpus for spoken (FOLK) and a subset from a corpus for written German (DEREKO). Qualitative analyses based on a project-specifically defined sample of data from the FOLK corpus lead to multi-word headword candidates. The results of the qualitative analyses were also compared with the results of studies from the research literature as well as (quantitative-orientated) bi- and trigram analyses. In their multi-word form, these candidates are particularly characterized by the fact that they assume a very special interactional function in the (authentic) interaction and have to be described as a whole unit. The paper explains this combined procedure, which was extracted in the LeGeDe-project for the appointment of headword candidates.
Author: | Christine MöhrsORCiDGND |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:bsz:mh39-104311 |
DOI: | https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110716955-009 |
ISBN: | 978-3-11-071695-5 |
ISBN: | 978-3-11-071680-1 |
ISSN: | 0175-9264 |
Parent Title (German): | Korpora in der Lexikographie und Phraseologie: Stand und Perspektiven |
Parent Title (English): | Corpora in Lexicography and Phraseology: Current State and Perspectives |
Series (Serial Number): | Lexicographica : series maior (-160-) |
Publisher: | de Gruyter |
Place of publication: | Berlin, Boston |
Editor: | Michał Piosik, Janusz Taborek, Marta Woźnicka |
Document Type: | Part of a Book |
Language: | German |
Year of first Publication: | 2021 |
Date of Publication (online): | 2021/05/12 |
Publicationstate: | Zweitveröffentlichung |
Reviewstate: | (Verlags)-Lektorat |
Tag: | Deutsches Referenzkorpus (DeReKo); Forschungs- und Lehrkorpus Gesprochenes Deutsch (FOLK); Gesprochenes Deutsch in der Interaktion; Korpubasierte Methoden; Lexik des gesprochen Deutsch (LeGeDe); Onlinewörterbuch; Stichwortkandidaten corpus-based methods; headword candidates; online dictionary; spoken German in interaction |
GND Keyword: | Computerunterstützte Lexikografie; Deutsch; Gesprochene Sprache; Korpus <Linguistik>; Lemma; Lexikografie; Online-Wörterbuch; Schriftsprache; Sprachstatistik |
First Page: | 175 |
Last Page: | 195 |
DDC classes: | 400 Sprache / 430 Deutsch |
Open Access?: | ja |
BDSL-Classification: | Lexikographie, Wörterbücher |
Leibniz-Classification: | Sprache, Linguistik |
Linguistics-Classification: | Korpuslinguistik |
Linguistics-Classification: | Lexikografie |
Program areas: | L1: Lexikographie und Sprachdokumentation |
Licence (German): | Urheberrechtlich geschützt |