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Historische Sprachkontaktforschung zur deutschen Sprache im Südpazifik - Ansatz zu einer Quellen- und Dokumentenkunde der Deutschen Koloniallinguistik

  • Investigations of the relationship between language and German colonialism are mainly based on historical sources. The article aims to develop a systematic foundation of source studies as a methodological background for these investigations. This is exemplified by sources reflecting the particular situation of the former German colonies in the South Pacific. Firstly, the article addresses terminological problems, in particular the relation between "documents", "sources", and "data". Secondly, a detailed typology of historical sources is presented and related to object-, meta-, and extralinguistic aspects of language contact. Finally, the article informs about how and where to look for historical sources.
Author:Stefan EngelbergORCiDGND
Parent Title (German):Sprachwissenschaft und kolonialzeitlicher Sprachkontakt: sprachliche Begegnungen und Auseinandersetzungen
Series (Serial Number):Koloniale und postkoloniale Linguistik (3,)
Publisher:Akademie Verlag
Place of publication:Berlin
Editor:Stefan Engelberg, Doris Stolberg
Document Type:Part of a Book
Year of first Publication:2012
Date of Publication (online):2015/01/29
GND Keyword:Deutschland; Kolonialismus; Linguistik; Pazifischer Ozean <Süd>; Quellenkunde; Sprachkontakt
First Page:233
Last Page:292
DDC classes:400 Sprache / 410 Linguistik / 410 Linguistik
Open Access?:ja
Leibniz-Classification:Sprache, Linguistik
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt