IDSopen: Online-only Publikationen des Leibniz-Instituts für Deutsche Sprache
Mannheim: IDS-Verlag
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- Working Paper (1)
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- Diskursanalyse (4)
- Korpus <Linguistik> (4)
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- Diskuranalyse (2)
- Diskurslinguistik (2)
- Textanalyse (2)
- Abweichungstheorie (1)
- Adjektivsemantik (1)
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- IDS-Verlag (15)
This discourse linguistic short paper focuses on the heuristic concept of discourse poetics within a discourse linguistic framework. The goal is to integrate poetological considerations related to the concept of poeticity into the context of linguistic discourse analysis. From this standpoint, it explores the concept of poetics of knowledge, emphasizing the correlation between the specifics of linguistic expression and the epistemic objects they may refer to. Building upon this, discourse poetics that functions as a discourse linguistic epistemology is characterized by its focus on the poetic function of language use corresponding to the category of poeticity as a linguistic marker within discourse. It is assumed that linguistic phenomena falling under this category, can be observed and interpreted transtextually, using corpus pragmatic and hermeneutic approaches. This is illustrated by examples taken from the analysis of music discourses based on a corpus of 13,499 contemporary music reviews, previously presented by the author.
German-Speaking Discourse Linguistics has long been concerned with the analysis of primarily textual data. Thus, other approaches to discourse building up on ideas from qualitative social research have often been neglected. Following Phillip Dreesen (2018), I am going to argue in this paper that ethnographic research strategies are a useful complement to traditional text-analytical approaches. Accordingly, I will illustrate what I mean by Linguistic Discourse-Ethnography and how it can connect to the already existing interdisciplinary research within Discourse Studies. In order to illustrate my arguments, I am going to investigate the phenomenon of hermeneutic speechlessness and how queer church-services help actors to resolve it. Eventually, I will argue that one of the major strengths of Linguistic Discourse-Ethnography is that it can give insight into process of subjectification i.e. that it can illustrate how actors use hegemonic linguistic resources to reconceptualize ways of becoming a subject in discourse.
Möglichkeiten der Verknüpfung qualitativer und quantitativer Zugänge – Narrative von Wasserstoff
Narratives (defined as a discursive structure based on local and temporal indications and actors as part of a development of action helping to solve problems) are similar to linguistic phenomena such as metaphors or argumentative patterns usually analyzed in qualitative linguistic research. In this paper, our idea is to combine these qualitative linguistic methods with quantitative corpus linguistic approaches such as named entity recognition (NER). We present a pilot study in which we use current NER technology to semi-automatically detect the narrative of energy partnership in media discourse. Based on a manual pre-study of a part of our corpus, we defined detectable expressions with a semantic relation to the subject that we link to occurrences of the narrative. Our study shows that the automatic detection of narratives still proves to be difficult, yet using NER we could identify pre-defined narratives in our corpus. This shows that quantitative approaches can support qualitative text analysis and should therefore be considered when working with digital corpora to gain extensive insights into the material.
The article outlines the technical, semiotic and discourse-linguistic challenges that arise in the data collection, the data processing and the data analysis of a quite small corpus of current product packaging texts (food/beverages, cleaning agents and hygiene products) of a running DFG-project. These three types of problems are due to the materiality, multimodality and multithematicity of the material analysed. The project which is focused on the German environmental discourse 1990-2020 and which is investigating the tension between individual freedom and social norms expressed in it, thus deliberately leaves the big data level of the originally project context within a bigger research group and switches to the level of hermeneutic-qualitative analyses of selected key texts. The hypothesis underlying this decision is that the environmental discourse is reflected in a condensed form in texts that are committed to corporate sustainability communication and are influencing the discourse space of everyday life in everyone’s household. Initial insights into the material and multimodal nature of the corpus are provided and the first results of the discourse linguistic analysis are offered, whereby the material is always discussed in its special significance "beyond big data". The preliminary results show that the everyday products analysed here are discursive mediators between companies, consumers and the environment, in that responsibility is shifted and displaced several times so that in the end it can to be concluded on all sides: Good for you and good for the planet.
Quantitative approaches and big data analyses are widespread in current discourse linguistic studies and have influenced the field considerably. However, building on Fix’ ONE-text-discourse-analysis (2015) and using the example of discourses around multilingualism, this paper will try and attempt an exemplary small data analysis, using a very small corpus of just three very different data samples in order to see what kind of insights can be gained with a strictly qualitative approach. The texts that were chosen deal with discourses around multilingualism in very different ways. They include an online newspaper article, language portraits by multilingual school children and a language learning video on methods how to study a language such as German. After analysing all three artefacts and their particular value and insights when it comes to research on discursive attitudes towards multilingualism in Germany, it shall be discussed whether and how this small data approach could generally be useful in combination with other discourse linguistic methods.
In the article, I propose that considering established concepts from text linguistics, such as propositions and text worlds, more systematically can be fruitful for a discourse pragmatic analysis that aims to describe knowledge constitution. Drawing from the model proposed by Werth (1999) in his text-world theory, I introduce the concept of epistemic architecture and demonstrate its usefulness by closely analyzing two texts from the discourse on pesticide use in Germany. The analysis shows differences in the integration of relevant propositions into the epistemic architecture that can be interpreted as meaningful when trying to understand discursive knowledge constitution.
Discourse is the very heart of universal human society and its cultural diversity. To make sense of the meaningless unspoken world around us and inside us, we give meaning to the sense data we perceive, translating them into experience. But meaning is not fixed. We as discourse participants negotiate the meaning of words, text segments and whole texts, always reserving the right to disagree. Thus it is discourse that drives our creativity. Or is it? Do not the recent Large Language Models, fed with discourse and trained to say the right things, demonstrate that they can perfectly emulate human utterances? Are we in charge of what we say or are we just the mouthpiece of discourse? Because meaning is not fixed, utterances must be interpreted. The quantitative approach of corpus linguistics is no more than a heuristic tool. Even if there will never be a true or final interpretation, it is the art and craft of hermeneutics that can make sense of what has been said. Exploring discourse as a fabric of intertextual links, interpretive linguistics takes account of the diachronic dimension of discourse. This is how linguistics finds its purpose at the centre of the social and human sciences.
Linguistisches Impact-Assessment: Maschinelle Prognose mit Realitätsabgleich im Projekt TextTransfer
Empirische Ansätze halten zunehmend Einzug in die Methodik und Herangehensweise geisteswissenschaftlicher Forschung. Die Sprachwissenschaften stützen sich zunehmend auf Forschungsdaten und Sprachmodelle, um ein digitales Bild natürlicher Sprachen zu erzeugen. Auf dieser Grundlage wird es möglich, entlang nutzerspezifischer Suchanfragen des distant reading automatisiert semantische Muster in Texten zu erkennen. Seit mithilfe solcher Modelle, etwa in Suchmaschinen, webbasierten Übersetzungs- oder Konversationstools, sprachliche Informationen maschinell in sinnhaften Zusammenhängen reproduziert werden können, sind die Implikationen sogenannter Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) zu einem Thema im gesamtgesellschaftlichen Diskurs avanciert. Vielen Linguisten ist es deshalb ein Anliegen, ihre Erkenntnisse für neue Anwendungsfelder jenseits ihrer unmittelbaren disziplinären Umgebung zu öffnen und zu einer fundierten Debatte beizutragen. Dieser Feststellung gegenüber steht die Einsicht, dass Forschungsergebnisse aller Disziplinen zwar archiviert, aber mangels gezielter Interpretierbarkeit großer und komplexer Datenmengen häufig für diesen breiten Diskurs nicht genutzt werden. Ein nachweisbarer Impact bleibt aus. An dieser Schnittstelle erarbeitet das vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) finanzierte Projekt TextTransfer einen Ansatz, um per distant reading auf Art und Wahrscheinlichkeit eines gesellschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen oder politischen Impacts textgebundenen Forschungswissens zu schließen. Zu diesem Zweck baut TextTransfer ein maschinelles Lernverfahren auf, das auf empirischem Erfahrungswissen zu Impacterfolgen von Forschungsprojekten fußt. Als wesentlicher Baustein dieses Erfahrungsgewinns gilt die Verifizierbarkeit der Lernergebnisse. Der vorliegende Artikel zeigt einen ersten Ansatz im Projekt, ein Sprachmodell in einem gesteuerten Lernverfahren mit belastbaren Lerndaten zu trainieren, um möglichst hohe Präzision im Impact-Assessment zu erreichen.
Redeeinleiter sind sprachliche Ausdrücke unterschiedlicher Wortarten, die relativ zur Redewiedergabe in Voran-, Mittel- oder Nachstellung stehen und eine direkte oder indirekte Redewiedergabe einleiten. Dadurch sind Redeeinleiter sehr vielfältig, womit sie sich als Untersuchungsgegenstand einer Analyse zur lexikalischen Vielfalt von Teilwortschätzen eignen.
Als Datengrundlage der vorliegenden Untersuchung dienen die manuell annotierten direkten und indirekten Redeeinleiter des Redewiedergabe-Korpus. Dieses setzt sich aus fiktionalen und nicht-fiktionalen Textausschnitten, die zwischen 1840–1920 veröffentlicht wurden, zusammen. Ziel der Analyse ist es, zu ermitteln, wie sich der Teilwortschatz der direkten und der der indirekten Redeeinleiter in ihrer lexikalischen Vielfalt voneinander unterscheiden und wie diese Unterschiede zu begründen sind. Dafür wird ein Set an quantitativen Methoden erarbeitet mit dem die lexikalische Vielfalt von Teilwortschätzen bestimmt werden kann und das in zukünftigen Untersuchungen zur lexikalischen Vielfalt als Standardrepertoire herangezogen werden kann.