460 Spanisch, Portugiesisch
Year of publication
Document Type
- Article (8)
- Part of a Book (3)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- German (5)
- Portuguese (5)
- English (2)
- Spanish (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (13)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (13)
- Deutsch (9)
- Portugiesisch (8)
- Kontrastive Linguistik (5)
- Spanisch (5)
- Brazilian Portuguese (2)
- Kontrastive Grammatik (2)
- Semantik (2)
- Alemão (1)
- Bericht (1)
- Brasilianisches Portugiesisch (1)
This article summarizes results of an empirical study on the use of so called verbs of transportation in German and Brazilian Portuguese. Such verbs constantly cause dijficulties and mistakes in the language production of non-native Speakers. The paper presentsfour observations on the grammar (verb prefixes, prepositions), semantics (places and paths) and pragmatics (deixis) of verbs of transportation in the two languages. It leads to the conclusion that Brazilian learners tend to have more dijficulties with the morphology and syntax of German transportation verbs, whereas German learners tend to have more dijficulties with the pragmatics of the corresponding verbs in Brazilian Portuguese. Dijficulties with the specification of places and paths can be observed in both directions, but they lead to unidiomatic usage rather than to outright mistakes.
Der vorliegende Aufsatz behandelt ausgewählte morphologische, syntaktische, semantische und pragmatische Eigenschaften von Nominaltotalisatoren im Deutschen und im brasilianischen Portugiesisch. Im einzelnen werden die Elemente todo, cada, ambos und os dois sowie alle, jeder, der ganze und beide behandelt. Hinsichtlich ihrer Morphologie wird die Bildung von Genus-, Numerus- und Kasusformen beschrieben. Im Bereich der Syntax geht es um die Stellung der Totalisatoren in der Nominalphrase, ihre Beziehungen zu Determinantien und Quantoren und um die funktionale Verteilung von Deklinationstypen. Im Bereich der Semantik und Pragmatik geht es um die Kodierung referentieller und quantifikationaler Information, um Definitheit und um kumulative vs. distributive Totalisierung. Das Erkenntnisinteresse wird durch den Vergleich zwischen dem Deutschen und dem brasilianichen Portugiesisch bestimmt, wobei auf typische Fehler von Sprachlernern in beiden Richtungen eingegangen wird.
Following the tradition of English grammar, some authors have distinguished between count and non-count nouns in Portuguese. The present paper resumes this discussion and develops the hypothesis that contemporary Brazilian Portuguese does not have count nouns, but only non-count nouns and nouns that are neutral in relation to countability.
The present paper examines the relationship between pragmatics, semantics and grammar as subdisciplines of linguistics from three different perspectives. The first section gives a historical survey of their development during the 20th century and classifies linguistic schools according to their interest in different fields of research. The second part presents a systematic model of the field of objects to be investigated by linguistics, aiming at a more precise delimitation of its subdisciplines. Finally, in the third section, the division of labour between pragmatics, semantics and grammar is discussed in the light of the concrete example of verb valence.
This paper examines four German transportation verbs with the prefix weg-, concentrating on their syntax and their semantic and pragmatic interpretations. The empirical data investigated are from a cross-linguistic corpus of German and Brazilian Portuguese as foreign languages. The analysis is based on the concept of focus, which is defined as a point on the path along which the patient of the process moves. The focus must be either mentioned or contextually evident. Each transportation verb will be able to establish a typical focus. German prefix-verbs with weg- are characterized by a focus-conflict that can be resolved through different interpretation strategies.
The present paper deals with grammaticalization as a comprehensive model of erosive processes in the history of natural languages, exemplified in German and Brazilian Portuguese. Grammaticalization is conceived of as the reduction of pragmatic versatility, semantic concreteness, syntactic liberty and phonetic substance of linguistic elements. It is subdivided into the processes of lexicalization, which transforms polylexematic into monolexematic elements, and deslexicalization, which reduces lexematic to sublexematic elements. In the middle of these processes stands the lexicon, which is seen as the central stock of linguistic elements. Within the lexicon, the process of grammaticalization continues, from lexical word classes through intermediate classes to grammatical word classes. The lower boundary of the lexicon is a critical threshold, down to which the process of grammaticalization is compensated for by linguistic recycling that leads lexematic elements back into the linguistic circuit, through the formation of new polylexematic units. Beyond this threshold, however, no recycling is possible any more, so that elements which have once lost their lexical character are condemned to disappear in the long run. The different stages of grammaticalization are introduced and illustrated by means of concrete examples, first from Brazilian Portuguese and afterwards from German.
Este artigo trata dos advérbios dêiticos hier, da e dort, no Alemão, e dos seus correspondentes aqui, aí, ali, cá, lá e acolá, no Português. Após al-guns comentários gerais acerca da codificação linguística de informações sobre o espaço, discutem-se principalmente duas questões: (1) a relação entre os advérbios dêiticos e os papéis comunicativos da Ia, 2a e 3a pessoas, e (2) os significados lexicais dos advérbios, formulados em termos de relações de distância e proximidade.
A análise semântica baseia-se nas relações entre o objeto situado e um objeto de referência, por um lado, e entre o objeto de referência e o falante/observa- dor, pelo outro. Ela leva à conclusão de que os sistemas dos advérbios dêiticos das duas línguas possuem estruturas semânticas bastante distintas. Entre hier e aqui há uma equivalência relativamente forte, enquanto da e dort apresentam características bastante diferentes de aí, ali, lá e acolá.
El tratamiento de la complementación forma uno de los núcleos informativos más relevantes en la lexicografía pedagógica para el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera. A pesar de los esfuerzos realizados en las últimas décadas por incluir en los diccionarios pedagógicos información más detallada y estructurada vinculada al potencial combinatorio del léxico, recientes consultas empíricas revelan que la correcta y adecuada complementación sigue siendo uno de los aspectos principales no resueltos en la adquisición de una L2. Sobre la base de estas observaciones, el artículo parte de dos hipótesis que relacionan por un lado los datos empíricos con las propias insuficiencias de las obras lexicográficas y, por otro, con la falta de la competencia lexicográfica necesaria de la mayoría de los usuarios para interpretar adecuadamente toda la información disponible. A fin de contribuir a una mejora sustancial en el tratamiento de la complementación en la lexicografía bilingüe del par de lenguas alemán y español, el artículo está estructurado en torno a los siguientes tres objetivos: (i) descripción y análisis de la actualidad lexicográfica a partir de ejemplos seleccionados de obras lexicográficas mono- y bilingües representativas para la adquisición de español o del alemán como lenguas extranjeras, (ii) descripción de necesidades y alternativas del presente ante los retos de las nuevas tecnologías y (iii) presentación de algunas posibilidades del futuro para fomentar no sólo el desarrollo de recursos y sistemas tecnológicos adecuados que sirvan de herramientas para la consulta léxico-gramatical en procesos de (de)codificación de una lengua extranjera, sino también una mayor competencia lexicográfica en entornos de aprendizaje.
This is a study of how aspects of information structure can be captured within a formal grammar of Spanish, couched in the framework of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG, Pollard
and Sag 1994). While a large number of morphological, syntactic and semantic aspects in a variety of languages have been successfully analysed in this theory, information structure has not been paid the same attention in the HPSG literature. However, as a theory of signs, HPSG should include all
levels of description without which the structural descriptions offered by the grammar would ultimately remain incomplete. Languages often explicitly mark the information-structural partitioning of utterances. Depending on the particular language, linguistic resources used for this purpose include
prosody (stress/intonation), syntax (e. g. constituent order, special syntactic constructions) and morphology (e. g. special affixes). In HPSG, phonological, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic information is represented in parallel, which would seem to be a well-suited architecture for modelling
the sort of interfaces called for.