Journal für Medienlinguistik : jfml = Journal for media linguistics
Document Type
- Article (19)
- Review (8)
- Periodical (1)
- Part of Periodical (1)
- German (20)
- English (8)
- Multiple languages (1)
- Deutsch (7)
- Konversationsanalyse (7)
- Interaktion (6)
- Kommunikation (4)
- Medien (4)
- Medienlinguistik (4)
- Rezension (4)
- Videospiel (4)
- conversation analysis (4)
- Anonymität (3)
- Peer-Review (27)
- (Verlags)-Lektorat (2)
As kindergartens and schools closed down during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany, two hashtags emerged on Twitter: #CoronaEltern (#CoronaParents) and #CoronaElternRechnenAb (#CoronaParentsDocumentTheCosts). In this paper, we examine the positioning practices around both hashtags as expressions of “digital activism” (Joyce 2010: VIII). One characteristic of the hashtag campaign is that political demands are hardly ever made directly. Rather, the participants resort to five main linguistic patterns: (1) they address different target groups; (2) they refer to different protagonists; (3) in the subcorpus #CoronaEltern specifically, they constitute themselves as a collective through (4) the recurring use of first-person narratives; (5) and generalization and typification. Our findings show that #CoronaParents are not just parents in times of a pandemic: #CoronaParents are only those who see themselves as such, participating in an evolving, at times misunderstood community.
Klatsche oder Kantersieg? Framesemantische Analysen zur Perspektivierung in Fußballspielberichten
Der Beitrag untersucht Perspektivierungen als zentrales Mittel der parteiischen Fußballberichterstattung auf den Websites einzelner Fußballvereine der deutschen Bundesliga aus frame-semantischer Sicht. Anhand eines Korpus von 582 Fußballspielberichten mit je zwei Texten zum gleichen Spiel aus zwei unterschiedlichen Perspektiven wird gezeigt, wie und mit welchen sprachlichen Mitteln der Spielverlauf und einzelne Szenen auf den Websites der Sieger- und der Verlierermannschaft unterschiedlich geframet werden. Sowohl mit quantitativen Methoden wie der Keywordanalyse und der automatisierten frame-semantischen Annotation als auch mit qualitativen Methoden wird gezeigt, dass unterschiedliche Framings derselben Ereignisse und Szenen unterschiedliche Bewertungen ermöglichen. Da Fußballspielberichte das Fußballwissen der Autor*innen zum Ausdruck bringen müssen, besteht dieses Wissen nicht zuletzt in der Fähigkeit, Bewertungen zielgruppenadäquat und auf kohärente Weise zu vermitteln.
Funktionsverbgefüge stehen seit jeher in der Sprachkritik, die sich nun auch auf digitale Räume ausbreitet. Vertreten wird dort die These, Funktionsverbgefüge und ihre entsprechenden Basisverben seien äquivalent und könnten in allen Kontexten durch die verbalen Entsprechungen ersetzt werden. Dies kann durch die vorliegende korpusbasierte und textlinguistische Studie am Beispiel des Gefüges Frage stellen widerlegt werden. Anhand eines extensiven Datenmaterials aus den Wikipedia-Artikel-Korpora des IDS zeige ich die semantischen, grammatischen und textlinguistischen Unterschiede zwischen dem Basisverb und dem Funktionsverbgefüge im Gebrauch auf, die sich in der Anreicherung, Verdichtung, Perspektivierung, Gewichtung und Wiederaufnahme von Informationen im Text manifestieren.
Social media, as the fifth estate, increasingly influence public discourses and play a major role in shaping public opinion. Undoubtedly, they have the potential to promote participation and democracy. On the other side, they also constitute a risk for democratic societies, as the spread of hate speech and fake news has shown. As a response, forms of counterspeech organised by civil society have emerged in social media to counter the normalisation of hate speech and democracy-threatening discourses. In order to influence discourse in social media in terms of the fifth estate, counterspeech campaigns must be visible also quantitatively. In this ethnographic contrastive study, I analysed the activities of the German and Finnish Facebook groups of the network #iamhere international. The intensity and continuity of their activities is obviously influenced by their strategic organisation: conventionalised rules support them whereas lacking or inconsequent rules seemed to be counterproductive.
Special Issue: Mobile Medienpraktiken im Spannungsfeld von Öffentlichkeit, Privatheit und Anonymität
This paper investigates situations in French videogame interactions where non-players who share the same physical space as players, participate in the gaming activities as spectators. Through a detailed multimodal and sequential analysis, we show that being a spectator is a local achievement of all co-present participants - players and non-players.
This study analyzes how participants playing VR games construct co-presence and shared gameplay. The analysis focuses on instances of play where one person is wearing the VR equipment, and other participants are located nearby without the ability to directly interact with the game. We first show how the active player using the VR equipment draws on talk and embodied activity to signal their presence in the shared physical environment, while simultaneously conducting actions in the virtual space, and thus creates spaces for the other participants to take part in gameplay. Second, we describe how other participants draw on the contextual configurations of the moment in displaying co-presence and position themselves as active and consequential co-players. The analysis demonstrates how gameplay can be communicatively constructed even in situations where the participants have differential rights and possibilities to act and influence the game.
This study offers a contribution to the reception analysis of TV documentaries by focusing on viewer opinions expressed on social media. It analyses German and English comments from YouTube and Facebook in order to find out what aspects of documentaries the audience comments on. More specifically, it describes how the viewers evaluate strategies that the producers use for simplifying complex content while still creating an appealing and entertaining media product. The results imply that most viewers appreciate informative shows that are entertaining at the same time. They also show that viewers tend to focus on the music and image, rather than on the spoken text, and that documentaries where nature plays an important role are judged more positively than science and history documentaries.