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What's New in EuReCo? Interoperability, Comparable Corpora, Licensing

  • This paper reports on the latest developments of the European Reference Corpus EuReCo and the German Reference Corpus in relation to three of the most important CMLC topics: interoperability, collaboration on corpus infrastructure building, and legal issues. Concerning interoperability, we present new ways to access DeReKo via KorAP on the API and on the plugin level. In addition we report about advancements in the EuReCo- and ICC-initiatives with the provision of comparable corpora, and about recent problems with license acquisitions and our solution approaches using an indemnification clause and model licenses that include scientific exploitation.

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Author:Marc KupietzGND, Eliza Margaretha, Nils DiewaldGND, Harald LüngenGND, Peter FankhauserGND
Parent Title (English):Proceedings of the Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora (CMLC-7) 2019. Cardiff, 22nd July 2019
Publisher:Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache
Place of publication:Mannheim
Editor:Piotr Bański, Adrien Barbaresi, Hanno Biber, Evelyn Breiteneder, Simon Clematide, Marc Kupietz, Harald Lüngen, Caroline Iliadi
Document Type:Conference Proceeding
Year of first Publication:2019
Date of Publication (online):2019/07/04
Tag:comparable corpora; corpus linguistics; corpus management; corpus processing
GND Keyword:Korpus <Linguistik>
First Page:33
Last Page:39
DDC classes:400 Sprache / 400 Sprache, Linguistik
Open Access?:ja
Leibniz-Classification:Sprache, Linguistik
Conferences, Workshops:Proceedings of the Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora (CMLC-7) 2019. Cardiff, 22nd July 2019
Program areas:Digitale Sprachwissenschaft
Licence (German):License LogoCreative Commons - CC BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International