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Das E-Tandem-Projekt am Sprachlehrinstitut der Universität Freiburg - ein Zwischenbericht

  • This paper represents a report on an e-tandem project conducted at Freiburg University (Germany) from the winter term 2009/2010 on. It started with a German-ltalian pilot course organised in cooperation with Pavia University (Italy). In order to promote autonomous language learning, the authors used several web-based applications, relying on Skype to enable full (i.e. visual, auditive) interaction between learning partners and on e-mails to let participants practise writing and reading in the respective foreign language. Additionally, participants were asked to compile a weekly electronic portfolio (EPOS) to record their improvements as well as their difficulties. In the paper, the structure of the pilot course will be described and a first balance will be drawn.
  • Oggetto del presente contribute e il progetto di e-tandem condotto all’universita di Freiburg a partire dal semestre invernale 2009/2010. II primo passo e stato un corso pilota tedesco-italiano in cooperazione con I’universita di Pavia. Perfavorire I’autonomia dei discenti nell’apprendimento linguistico ci siamo serviti di diverse applicazioni web: Skype ha consentito di ottenere una piena interazione (visuale e auditiva) tra i partecipanti; scambi e-mail hanno permesso di esercitare anche le abilita di lettura e scrittura. Inoltre, i partecipanti hanno compilato di settimana un portfolio elettronico (EPOS), elencando tra le altre cose progressi e difficoltä incontrate. Nel contributo descriveremo brevemente la struttura del corso pilota e tracceremo poi un primo bilancio.

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Author:Adriano Murelli, Rosanna Pedretti
Parent Title (English):Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching
Publisher:HTW des Saarlandes, Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Sprachen
Place of publication:Saarbrücken
Contributor(s):Thomas Tinnefeld
Document Type:Article
Year of first Publication:2010
Date of Publication (online):2017/11/17
First Page:299
Last Page:321
DDC classes:400 Sprache / 430 Deutsch
Open Access?:ja
BDSL-Classification:Sprache im 20. Jahrhundert. Gegenwartssprache
Leibniz-Classification:Sprache, Linguistik
Linguistics-Classification:Zweitspracherwerb / Fremdspracherwerb
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt