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On the dynamics of the compounding of Japanese kanji with common and proper nouns

  • The present study examines the dynamics of the kanji combinations that form common (or general) and proper nouns in Japanese. The following three results were obtained. First, the degree of distribution results from two similar processes which are based on a steady-state of birth-and-death processes with different birth and death rates, resulting in a positive negative binomial distribution with the proper nouns and in a positive Waring distribution with common nouns. Second, all rank-frequency distributions follow the negative hypergeometric distribution used very frequently in ranking problems. Third, the building of kanji compounds follows a dissortative strategy. The higher the outdegree of a kanji, the more it prefers kanji with lower indegrees. A linear dependence can be observed with common nouns, whereas the relationship between compounded kanji is rather curvilinear with proper nouns. The actual analytical expression is not yet known.

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Author:Katsuo Tamaoka, Peter MeyerORCiDGND, Shogo Makioka, Gabriel Altmann
Parent Title (English):Journal of Quantitative Linguistics
Document Type:Article
Year of first Publication:2008
Date of Publication (online):2015/06/30
Tag:Appellativum; Buchstabenhäufigkeit; Komposition
Composition; Frequency; Japanese
GND Keyword:Japanisch; Kanji; Wortart; Wortbildung
First Page:136
Last Page:153
Dieser Beitrag ist aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen nicht frei zugänglich.
DDC classes:400 Sprache / 410 Linguistik
Open Access?:nein
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt