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Zur Grammatik des Verstehens im Gespräch : Inferenzen anzeigen und Handlungskonsequenzen ziehen mit "also" und "dann"

  • The paper studies how the German connectives "also" and "dann" are used as displays of understanding in talk-in-interaction. It is shown that the use of also at turn-beginnings in pre-front-field position is a routine practice to explicate implicit meanings of the prior turn of the partner, which is presented for confirmation. Also thus indexes that explicated meanings are taken to be intersubjective, i.e. part of the interlocutors’ common ground. Turn-initial dann(in front-field position), in contrast, is routinely used to (a) index the formulation of a unilateral inference from the partner’s prior turn which is not claimed to have already been communicated by the partner, and is (b) used to preface different kinds of next actions which are framed as being a consequence from the preceding action of the partner. Drawing on data from four genres of talkin- interaction (conversation, psychotherapy, doctor-patient interaction, broadcasted talk shows), the paper discusses how functions of also and dann are related to their positions concerning turn-construction and topological fields, prosodic design, collocations, sequential structures and participation frameworks of the interaction.

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Author:Arnulf DeppermannORCiDGND, Henrike HelmerORCiDGND
Parent Title (German):Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft
Publisher:de Gruyter
Place of publication:Berlin
Document Type:Article
Year of first Publication:2013
Tag:Gesprächsanalyse; Interferenz
connectives; conversation analysis; inference; interactional linguistics; understanding
GND Keyword:Deutsch
First Page:1
Last Page:39
DDC classes:400 Sprache / 430 Deutsch
Open Access?:ja
BDSL-Classification:Sprache im 20. Jahrhundert. Gegenwartssprache
Leibniz-Classification:Sprache, Linguistik
Linguistics-Classification:Gesprächsforschung / Gesprochene Sprache
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt