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Lessons learned from joining forces across disparate disciplines in the NFDI: the conference on research on text analytics. Presented at the 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI), Karlsruhe, 12. – 14. September 2023

  • This contribution summarizes the lessons learned from the organization of a joint conference on text analytics research by the Business, Economic, and Related Data (BERD@NFDI) and Text+ consortia within the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) in Germany. The collaboration aimed to identify common ground and foster interdisciplinary dialogue between scholars in the humanities and in the business domain. The lessons learned include the importance of presenting research questions using textual data to establish common ground, similarities in methodology for processing textual data between the consortia, similarities in research data management, and the need for regular interconsortial discussions on textual analysis methods and data. The collaboration proved valuable for interdisciplinary dialogue within the NFDI, and further collaboration between the consortia is planned.

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Author:Ulrich KriegerORCiDGND, Thorsten TrippelORCiDGND
Place of publication:Genf
Document Type:Other
Year of first Publication:2023
Date of Publication (online):2023/11/08
Publishing Institution:Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS)
Tag:CoRDI 2023; NFDI; business data; business research; economic data; humanities; machine learning; text; text analytics
GND Keyword:Forschung; Forschungsdaten; Infrastruktur; Interdisziplinarität; Maschinelles Lernen; Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) e.V.; Text Mining
Page Number:3; 1
DDC classes:400 Sprache / 400 Sprache, Linguistik
Open Access?:ja
Leibniz-Classification:Sprache, Linguistik
Program areas:S2: Forschungskoordination und –infrastrukturen
Licence (English):License LogoCreative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International