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Documenting Unserdeutsch (Rabaul Creole German): A workshop report

  • This paper provides insights into the ongoing international research project Unserdeutsch (Rabaul Creole German): Documentation of a highly endangered creole language in Papua New Guinea, based at the University of Augsburg, Germany. It elaborates on the different stages of the project, ranging from fieldwork to corpus development, thereby outlining the methods and software background used for the intended purposes. In doing so, we also give some approaches to solving specific problems, which have arisen in the course of practical work until now.

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Author:Angelika Götze, Siegwalt LindenfelserORCiDGND, Salome Lipfert, Katharina Neumeier, Werner KönigGND, Péter MaitzGND
Parent Title (English):Language Contact in the German Colonies: Papua New Guinea and beyond
Publisher:Linguistic Society of Papua New Guinea
Place of publication:Papua-Neuguinea
Document Type:Article
Year of first Publication:2017
Date of Publication (online):2023/08/30
Publishing Institution:Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS)
Tag:German-based; Unserdeutsch; corpus development; creole; fieldwork; language documentation; language endangerment; spoken language data; transcription
GND Keyword:Dokumentation; Feldforschung; Kreolische Sprachen; Minderheitensprache; Software; Unserdeutsch
First Page:65
Last Page:90
DDC classes:400 Sprache / 400 Sprache, Linguistik
Open Access?:ja
Linguistics-Classification:Dialektologie / Sprachgeografie
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt