@article{Zeschel2017, author = {Zeschel, Arne}, title = {Gebrauchsfrequenz und Registerspezifik als Determinanten der Konstruktionswahl}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik}, volume = {43}, number = {169}, issn = {0049-8653}, pages = {81 -- 96}, year = {2017}, abstract = {An experiment on the English caused motion construction in adult- and child-directed speech was conducted to assess in how far (i) verbal frequency biases and (ii) a register-specific preference for explicit and redundant coding influence speakers' selection of argument structure constructions during speaking. Subjects retold the contents of short cartoon video clips to adult and child interaction partners. The stimuli showed events of caused motion which suggested designations with verbs for which caused motion-complementation was either (i) uncommon/unattested, (ii) conventional or (iii) the dominant usage in a sample extracted from the BNC. The results show a significant tendency to avoid more compacted coding (using the caused motion construction instead of a possible two-clause paraphrase) in child-directed speech. At the same time, they also point to an interaction between the register-specific preference for explicitness and verbs' relative conventionality in the construction that neutralizes the effect for verbs that are highly frequent in the target environment.}, subject = {Englisch}, language = {de} }