@article{Storjohann2019, author = {Storjohann, Petra}, title = {Dynamischer Gebrauch von Paronymen in allgemein-, fach-, wissenschafts- und bildungssprachlicher Kommunikation}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r angewandte Linguistik}, number = {71}, issn = {2190-0191}, doi = {10.1515/zfal-2019-2018}, pages = {353 -- 383}, year = {2019}, abstract = {This paper focuses on easily confused items (so-called paronyms) in German in terms of their general, technical or academic contextual uses. It outlines the semantic discrepancies between contextual usages of pairs such as Methode/Methodologie/Methodik and unehelich/nichtehelich/außerehelich depending on their linguistic registers and varieties. While previous studies lack empirical evidence and primarily operate with morphological criteria (cf. Lăzărescu 1999) the descriptions here derive from corpus-based examinations of general written and of technical discourse. It is shown that causes of lexical confusion arise from formal, phonetic resemblances or semantic similarities, regular co-occurrence, incorrect morphological analogies and political governance of language. Context, knowledge, associations and experience determine the choice of lexical terms. Speakers need to apply linguistic and extra-linguistic principles in order to create adequate contexts. With the help of paronym examples and corpus data, these will be elucidated in more detail.}, subject = {Paronymie}, language = {de} }