@incollection{Proost2019, author = {Proost, Kristel}, title = {Argumentstrukturmuster mit vor zum Ausdruck von Rangordnung. Pl{\"a}doyer f{\"u}r eine musterbasierte Analyse}, booktitle = {Konstruktionsgrammatik VI. Varianz in der konstruktionalen Schematizit{\"a}t}, editor = {Czicza, D{\´a}niel and Dekalo, Volodymyr and Diewald, Gabriele}, isbn = {978-3-95809-530-4}, series = {Stauffenburg Linguistik}, number = {- 109 -}, pages = {109 -- 140}, year = {2019}, abstract = {This article shows what may be gained by a pattern-based analysis and lexicographic representation of argument structure patterns as compared to one based solely on the valency properties of verbs. The pattern analysed expresses a state whereby two or more entities are positioned on a scale of distinct values. Formally it minimally comprises a verb expressing a state or event and two NPs expressing the entities ranked. The NP referring to the entity occupying the lower position on the scale is embedded in a PP headed by vor. Allowing the identification of instances comprising verbs whose meaning is not straightforwardly related to that of the pattern, the pattern-based analysis employed raises the question of how the metaphorical state meaning of the pattern comes about. Since the verb does not express a ranking and / or a state in a large number of instances, the metaphorical state meaning of the pattern is argued to originate in these cases within the scalar meaning of the preposition and / or to be associated with the pattern itself.}, subject = {Argumentstruktur}, language = {de} }