@inproceedings{SchirmJuillet2023, author = {Schirm, Samuel and Juillet, Melissa}, title = {Discourse markers and second language acquisition. Opposite trajectories of French parce que (because) and German also (so) as "my-side" prefaces}, booktitle = {10th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-10), 18-21 July, 2023, Mannheim, Germany}, editor = {Kupietz, Marc and Zinken, J{\"o}rg and TrawiƄski, Beata and Proost, Kristel}, isbn = {978-3-937241-96-8}, doi = {10.14618/f8rt-m155}, url = {https://iclc10.ids-mannheim.de/}, pages = {49 -- 50}, year = {2023}, subject = {Fremdsprachenlernen}, language = {en} }