@inproceedings{BarthelHelmerReineke2023, author = {Barthel, Mathias and Helmer, Henrike and Reineke, Silke}, title = {First users' interactions with voice-controlled virtual assistants: A micro-longitudinal corpus study}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue}, editor = {L{\"u}cking, Andy and Mazzocconi, Chiara and Verdonik, Darinka}, issn = {2308-2275}, url = {https://mezzanine.um.si/wp-content/uploads/Marilogue_Proceedings1.pdf}, pages = {105 -- 117}, year = {2023}, abstract = {We present a collection of (currently) about 5.500 commands directed to voice-controlled virtual assistants (VAs) by sixteen initial users of a VA system in their homes. The collection comprises recordings captured by the VA itself and with a conditional voice recorder (CVR) selectively capturing recordings including the VA-directed commands plus some surrounding context. Next to a description of the collection, we present initial findings on the patterns of use of the VA systems during the first weeks after installation, including usage timing, the development of usage frequency, distributions of sentence structures across commands, and (the development of) command success rates. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the applied collection-specific recording approach and describe potential research questions that can be investigated in the future, based on the collection, as well as the merit of combining quantitative corpus linguistic approaches with qualitative in-depth analyses of single cases.}, subject = {Korpus }, language = {en} }