@incollection{AverintsevaKlisch2023, author = {Maria Averintseva-Klisch}, title = {'Kognitive Distanzierung' als Grammatikkategorie? Einige {\"U}berlegungen zu den deutschen Demonstrativa dies- und jen-}, series = {Grammatiktheorie und Grammatikographie}, editor = {Eric Fu{\"s} and Angelika W{\"o}llstein}, publisher = {Narr Francke Attempto}, address = {T{\"u}bingen}, isbn = {978-3-8233-9107-4}, issn = {0949-409X}, url = {https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:mh39-121460}, pages = {199 -- 231}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The paper attempts to bridge the gap between semantics and the conceptualization and teaching of grammar at secondary school exemplarily concerning German demonstratives dies- and jen-. I show that existing accounts of these demonstratives in reference grammars and school books are far from being satisfactory, whilst at least for dies-, if not for jen-, there exist comprehensive linguistic analyses. I adapt these to offer a semantic analysis for jen- using corpus data from modern German with pronominal and adnominal jen-, and propose a didactically applicable category of 'shared mental space' of the speaker and the hearer for the demonstratives: I argue that speakers use demonstrative reference to anchor the referent inside resp. outside their and the hearers' shared mental space.}, language = {de} }