@incollection{Finkbeiner2023, author = {Rita Finkbeiner}, title = {Wie soll die Grammatikbeschreibung mit Konstruktionen umgehen?}, series = {Grammatiktheorie und Grammatikographie}, editor = {Eric Fu{\"s} and Angelika W{\"o}llstein}, publisher = {Narr Francke Attempto}, address = {T{\"u}bingen}, isbn = {978-3-8233-9107-4}, issn = {0949-409X}, url = {https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:mh39-121440}, pages = {139 -- 173}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Constructionist approaches to grammar do not draw a clear distinction between lexicon and grammar, as generative \"words and rules\" accounts do. Rather, they conceptualize grammar and lexicon as a continuum of constructions of greater or lesser complexity and abstraction. In this paper, i explore the implications of this paradigm shift for the applied discipline of grammaticography. If we abandon the distinction between grammar and lexicon, should we also abandon the distinction between grammar, books and dictionaries? Drawing on a case study on the treatment of verbless constructions in the \"IDS-Grammatik\", it is argued that constructions should play a greater role in grammar books, but that grammar books still need to provide access to general principles of grammar.}, language = {de} }