TY - CHAP U1 - Buchbeitrag A1 - d'Avis, Franz A1 - Geilfuss-Wolfgang, Jochen ED - Fuß, Eric ED - Wöllstein, Angelika T1 - Topologische Felder in Grammatiktheorie und Grammatikographie - Topologische Modelle und leere Stellen T2 - Grammatiktheorie und Grammatikographie N2 - The linear analysis of sentences is part of every grammatical description of German, often based on the theory of 'Topologische Felder' ('topological fields'). According to this theory, German sentences are composed of so-called 'Felder' ('fields') that can be filled by differents kinds of syntactic expressions. One widespread assumption is that some of the fields can be left empty, depending on the kind of sentence, another widespread assumption is that some of the fields are only optional. We will show that not all kinds of empty positions or fields which are adopted in different versions of topological theories are motivated. But this seems to be essential if we take the theory of topological fields serious. The following is an attempt of clarification. T3 - Studien zur deutschen Sprache - 76 KW - Grammatiktheorie KW - Topologie KW - Aufforderungssatz KW - Ausrufesatz KW - lineare Analyse KW - leere Stellen KW - Deutsch Y1 - 2018 U6 - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:mh39-121425 UN - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:mh39-121425 SN - 0949-409X SS - 0949-409X SN - 978-3-8233-9107-4 SB - 978-3-8233-9107-4 SP - 121 EP - 138 PB - Narr Francke Attempto CY - Tübingen ER -