TY - CHAP U1 - Buchbeitrag A1 - Frey, Werner ED - Fuß, Eric ED - Wöllstein, Angelika T1 - Über verschiedene Besetzungen des rechten Randes T2 - Grammatiktheorie und Grammatikographie N2 - The paper is concerned with the filling of the right edge of a German clause with different constituents: subconstituents of the clause, arguments and modifiers of the NP, appositions and right-dislocated elements. It is argued that these different ways of filling the right edge come about in quite different ways. Subconstituents of the clause are base generated at the right edge in syntax. Constituents of the NP and appositions get to the right edge postsyntactically, i.e., they are linearised there only in the phonological component. Finally, the appearance of right-dislocated constituents is the result of two well-established deletion processes operating on two adjacent clauses. The different mechanisms allow us to understand differences these elements show regarding positioning inside the right edge, binding and intonation. An important empirical generalisation put forward in the IDS-grammar can be captured. The grammar's controversial assumption that the right edge comprises a part which is disintegrated in between two syntactically integrated parts can be shown to be superfluous. T3 - Studien zur deutschen Sprache - 76 KW - Satzklammer KW - Syntax KW - Satzglied KW - Attribut KW - Apposition KW - rechter Rand KW - Nachfeld KW - Außenfeld KW - Deutsch Y1 - 2018 U6 - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:mh39-121352 UN - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:mh39-121352 SN - 0949-409X SS - 0949-409X SN - 978-3-8233-9107-4 SB - 978-3-8233-9107-4 SP - 93 EP - 119 PB - Narr Francke Attempto CY - Tübingen ER -