TY - CHAP U1 - Buchbeitrag A1 - Christian, Fortmann ED - Fuß, Eric ED - Wöllstein, Angelika T1 - Vermeintlich verblose Direktiva - stumme Prädikatsbildung in Wurzelstrukturen T2 - Grammatiktheorie und Grammatikographie N2 - This article targets a distinctive kind of root structures in German formed by minimally two phrases but lacking an overt verbal predicate like i.a. die Guten ins Tröpfchen, die Schlechten ins Kröpfchen, jedem ein Bier or in den Müll mit dem Dreck. Certain instantiations of these patterns have been dubbed verblose Direktiva by Jacobs (2008) who provides an account in terms of construction grammar. Müller (2011), on the other hand, proposes an anti-passive analysis of the phenomenon. However, these apparent verbless root structures show conspicuous parallels in form and interpretation to another type of non-finite root structures in German, namely root infinitives. Both exclude an overt subject expression and both have a modal interpretation. Referring to these parallels, an analysis is elaborated which employs a empty verbal category. The overt consituents, then, are hosted by the (possibly extended) projection of the empty verb. Furthermore, this analysis captures a broader range of data, in particular instances formed by concatenated NPDAT-NPAKK or NPAKK-PP. T3 - Studien zur deutschen Sprache - 76 KW - Prädikat KW - Wurzel KW - Syntagma KW - Illokutiver Akt KW - Finite Verbform KW - Direktiva KW - Prädikatsbildung KW - Wurzelstruktur KW - Deutsch Y1 - 2018 U6 - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:mh39-121342 UN - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:mh39-121342 SN - 0949-409X SS - 0949-409X SP - 63 EP - 92 PB - Narr Francke Attempto CY - Tübingen ER -