TY - JOUR U1 - Zeitschriftenartikel, wissenschaftlich - begutachtet (reviewed) A1 - Cotgrove, Louis ED - Cotgrove, Louis ED - Herzberg, Laura ED - Lüngen, Harald ED - Pisetta, Ines T1 - megageil, mega geil, and voll mega: Intensification in YouTube comments JF - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (CMC-Corpora 2023), 14–15 September 2023, University of Mannheim, Germany N2 - This paper analyses intensification in German digitally-mediated communication (DMC) using a corpus of YouTube comments written by young people (the NottDeuYTSch corpus). Research on intensification in written language has traditionally focused on two grammatical aspects: syntactic intensification, i.e. the use of particles and other lexical items and morphological intensification, i.e. the use of compounding. Using a wide variety og examples from the corpus, the paper identifies novel ways that have been used for intensification in DMC, and suggests a new taxonomy of classification for future analysis of intensification. KW - intensification KW - semiotics KW - computer-mediated communication KW - youth language KW - corpus linguistics KW - Computeruntertützte Lexikographie KW - YouTube KW - Morphologie KW - Korpus KW - Onlinekommentare KW - NottDeuYTSch Corpus KW - Jugendsprache Y1 - 2023 UN - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:mh39-120976 UR - https://www.uni-mannheim.de/cmc-corpora2023 SN - 978-3-937241-95-1 SB - 978-3-937241-95-1 U6 - https://doi.org/10.14618/1z5k-pb25 DO - https://doi.org/10.14618/1z5k-pb25 SP - 55 EP - 59 PB - Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS) CY - Mannheim ER -