@inproceedings{BoschEckartFaaßetal.2023, author = {Bosch, Sonja and Eckart, Kerstin and Faaß, Gertrud and Heid, Ulrich and Lee, Kiyong and Pareja-Lora, Antonio and Pretorius, Laurette and Romary, Laurent and Witt, Andreas and Zeldes, Amir and Zipser, Florian}, title = {From to ISOTiger - community driven developments for syntax annotation in SynAF}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT13). December 12-13, 2014, T{\"u}bingen, Germany}, editor = {Henrich, Verena and Hinrichs, Erhard and de Kok, Dani{\"e}l and Osenova, Petya and Przepi{\´o}rkowski, Adam}, pages = {258 -- 264}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In 2010, ISO published a standard for syntactic annotation, ISO 24615:2010 (SynAF). Back then, the document specified a comprehensive reference model for the representation of syntactic annotations, but no accompanying XML serialisation. ISO's subcommittee on language resource management (ISO TC 37/SC 4) is working on making the SynAF serialisation ISOTiger an additional part of the standard. This contribution addresses the current state of development of ISOTiger, along with a number of open issues on which we are seeking community feedback in order to ensure that ISOTiger becomes a useful extension to the SynAF reference model.}, subject = {Syntax}, language = {en} }