@incollection{Cotgrove2023, author = {Louis Cotgrove}, title = {New opportunities for researching digital youth language: The NottDeuYTSch corpus}, series = {Neue Entwicklungen in der Korpuslandschaft der Germanistik. Beitr{\"a}ge zur IDS-Methodenmesse 2022}, editor = {Marc Kupietz and Thomas Schmidt}, publisher = {Narr}, address = {T{\"u}bingen}, isbn = {978-3-8233-9602-4}, issn = {2191-9577}, url = {https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:mh39-118796}, pages = {101 -- 114}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This article details the process of creating the Nottinghamer Korpus deutscher YouTube-Sprache ('The Nottingham German YouTube Language Corpus' - or NottDeuYTSch corpus) and outlines potential research opportunities. The corpus was compiled to analyse the online language produced by young German-speakers and offers significant opportunity for in-depth research across several linguistic fields including lexis, morphology, syntax, orthography, and conversational and discursive analysis. The NottDeuYTSch corpus contains over 33 million words taken from approximately 3 million YouTube comments from videos published between 2008 to 2018 targeted at a young, German-speaking demographic and represent an authentic language snapshot of young German speakers. The corpus was proportionally sampled based on video category and year from a database of 112 popular German-speaking YouTube channels in the DACH region for optimal representativeness and balance and contains a considerable amount of associated metadata for each comment that enable further longitudinal cross-sectional analyses. The NottDeuYTSch corpus is available for analysis as part of the German Reference Corpus (DeReKo).}, language = {en} }