@inproceedings{Trippel2022, author = {Trippel, Thorsten}, title = {The use of graphs as a data structure for reusing lexical resources}, booktitle = {Data Structures for Linguistic Resources and Applications. Proceedings of the Biennial GLDV Conference 2007}, editor = {Rehm, Georg and Witt, Andreas and Lemnitzer, Lothar}, isbn = {978-3-8233-6314-9}, pages = {315 -- 323}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Lexical resources are often represented in table form, e. g., in relational databases, or represented in specially marked up texts, for example, in document based XML models. This paper describes how it is possible to model lexical structures as graphs and how this model can be used to exploit existing lexical resources and even how different types of lexical resources can be combined.}, subject = {Graph}, language = {en} }