@inproceedings{BroederWindhouwervan Uytvancketal.2022, author = {Broeder, Daan and Windhouwer, Menzo and van Uytvanck, Dieter and Goosen, Twan and Trippel, Thorsten}, title = {CMDI: a component metadata infrastructure}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the workshop describing language resources with metadata: towards flexibility and interoperability in the documentation of language resources. LREC 2012, May 22, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.}, editor = {Arranz, Victoria and Broeder, Daan and Gaiffe, Bertrand and Gavrilidou, Maria and Monachini, Monica and Trippel, Thorsten}, url = {http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2012/workshops/11.LREC2012\%20Metadata\%20Proceedings.pdf}, pages = {1 -- 4}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The paper's purpose is to give an overview of the work on the Component Metadata Infrastructure (CMDI) that was implemented in the CLARIN research infrastructure. It explains, the underlying schema, the accompanying tools and services. It also describes the status and impact of the CMDI developments done within the CLARIN project and past and future collaborations with other projects.}, subject = {Metadaten}, language = {en} }