@article{Engelberg2004, author = {Engelberg, Stefan}, title = {Lexical event structures for verb semantics}, journal = {Journal of Language and Linguistics}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, issn = {1475-8989}, url = {http://jllonline.net/}, pages = {62 -- 108}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The paper introduces a theory of Lexical Event Structures as a means to represent the meaning of verbs. The theory is guided by the assumption that verbs refer to events that are internally structured in the sense that they consist of several subevents and states. The temporal properties and relations of these have to be specified. The occurrence of subevents is either implied or presupposed by the verb, and event participants are related to some, but not necessarily all subevents by semantic relations.}, subject = {Deutsch}, language = {en} }